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We are officially at the 15 week mark until our little girl’s arrival. That is so exciting and frightening at the same time considering how we have made zero progress on the nursery. That is, until this past week. Now it may not seem like a lot to most people but I am starting to breathe a little sigh of relief.

What exactly did we accomplish you may ask? Well, we planned. That’s right, I finally sorted through this ADD design brain of mine and landed on a design. My biggest struggle was incorporating color. Now I love color don’t get me wrong but as I look around my house, I’ve become quite the “Neutral Nancy” if I do say so myself. I love the neutral vibe of our home but it really doesn’t fly in a nursery. Not that I want a festival of pastels either but this little girl needs a little oomph in her room. I had an idea for teal walls from the beginning. I finally got the husband on board (which was more of a challenge than I anticipated) and we started from there. Paint color is not where I usually recommend starting but hey, I’m a rebel. A rule breaker. I am the queen of taking risks! If you know me, you are probably laughing out loud at all of those previous statements.

So the color was set but deciding on the rest was when the challenge really began. I didn’t want a theme and I didn’t want it to be overly childish so I was at a bit of a loss on where to begin.  I’m not sure you realize how much gross children’s “stuff” exists in the world. Why must everything have big cartoon animals on it or “I love my mommy & daddy” tattooed across it? Maybe I’ll feel differently once this little girl is actually here but for now, the designer in me was screaming “DON’T DO IT!!” There will be plenty of time for cartoon characters later. For now we focus on a fun space AND a little design thrown in just to make Mommy feel better. 🙂

Here’s what I came up with:

And here’s a breakdown because I love lists and bullet points:

  • Teal walls with white wainscotting below (courtesy of Wes of course)
  • Floral fabric for a DIY crib skirt. That is, if I can teach myself to sew in the next 15 weeks.
  • Fuchsia Gingham crib sheets
  • Yellow Chevron Ottoman from Etsy
  • Light Fixture
  • Fabric Pom-Poms: I’m thinking of putting these over the chair or over the crib. Haven’t decided location, just that she needs them.
  • Dresser: An old dresser painted a fun bright yellow
  • Art above the dresser: We’ll use a mix of photographs (family, friends, dogs) and graphic art (some of our favorite family sayings). Two of the phrases already decided: “I love you the most” (this is something Wes and I say on a daily basis) and “I love you a bushel & a peck” (my grandmother use to say this all the time)

So obviously there are still some outstanding items like the rug, chair and curtains but we are well on our way. Even more on our way than you think. Look at what we picked up just last weekend.

Thats right…the dresser. And not just any dresser. This is the exact dresser I had in mind and we found it on Craiglist for $40! It is perfect. Perfect shape and size. I can’t wait for the husband to get his hands on this one. It’s going to be beautiful. Just look at these details.

So thats where we are for now. Certainly not close to finished but certainly well on our way.

What have you planned lately? Any projects that have a very specific due date that you’re tackling?

Is it bad that I’m now drawing inspiration from trashy reality television? I’m going to go ahead and say no because I know what the real answer is and I’m sensitive so forget I asked. The hubby and I were enjoying a little Big Brother this evening and their wooden patio/platform caught my eye.

I love the diagonal wooden slats and not to mention the great shade of blue it’s painted. This would be so easy to recreate at any home without much moolah. It keeps it low to the ground so no railing is required and the diagonal wood adds a fun pattern that makes it unique. I’m thinking this might make an appearance in my back yard in the future.

What do you think? Are you experiencing extreme inspiration from any extremely embarassing places these days? Go ahead, admit it. This is a humiliation free zone. Well, at least I have no room to talk if it is embarrasing. I mean, Big Brother?! Beat that.

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