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So with some of my favorite bloggers (Young House Love and Bower Power) are moving out and moving on up into their possible forever homes, it’s got me thinking…if I were house shopping, what would I we be looking for?

Like most house obsessed couples, Wes and I dream about our next house just about as much as we talk about the next renovation at our current house. Randomly spouting out, “I can’t wait til we have a dining room” or “In the next house, we definitely need a storage shed.” Thats just a part of our everyday conversation but I decided to take that a little bit further. I’m making a wist list. (A) because I love lists and (B) because I love pretend house shopping.

Here’s our wishlist for now:

  • 3 or more bedrooms
  • 2 or more bathrooms
  • 9′ ceilings or higher
  • garage
  • storage shed/workshop
  • formal dining room
  • kitchen large enough to accomodate an island

Now these are just a few things that we would want but don’t have now. There are certainly things we would want that we already have like wood floors and things that we want but aren’t deal breakers like a fireplace. In addition to the characteristics of a future home, we’ve also determined that we won’t be staying in the city for Phase 2 of our home ownership. We are looking more towards the outskirts of Charlotte where there are better schools, cheaper prices, and more land. Apparently I’m a country girl at heart despite how many years I’ve spent trying to convince myself otherwise.

With all these tidbits in mind, I did a little virtual window shopping and look what I came up with!

 This is a beautiful farmhouse built in 1915 in Mt. Holly, NC. Um, yes, please. This bad boy not only meets all the requirements above with 11′ ceilings and original hardwood floors, it also has a 2 car detached garage with an apartment above AND another attached single garage.

And did you see that front porch? Just stick me in a rocking chair and I will be happy to grow old in this house!

Now here’s another Mt. Holly beauty.

This house has FOUR bedrooms and a screened in porch on the side and entire back of the home. It also has a brick exterior which the husband loves! The clincher for me…an unfinished basement with fireplace just waiting for a facelift!

As I’m sure you figured out by now, we are all about a fixer upper but not a house that can’t be lived in. These houses just need a little TLC from a home improvement obsessed family and are all under $200,000. Now don’t read too much into this post, we aren’t moving anytime soon. I just love a little window shopping to help pass the afternoon on a rainy day.

As if I needed any more reasons to love Lowe’s over Home Depot. I am whole heartedly a Lowe’s shopper. I have always found better customer service (which is a big deal in my book) and, in my opinion, better product at my local Lowe’s or any Lowe’s for that matter. If you had asked me a few days ago, I would’ve said I didn’t need any more reasons to choose the vibrant blue over the tacky orange but then I ventured into the Lowe’s paint department yesterday and saw this…

<insert picture here if I was a responsible blogger and brought my camera everywhere but I’m not so you get nothing>

Ok, let me just tell you then. They have custom mixed spray paint! That’s right, you pick the color from any of their paint swatches or your own and they will mix the paint and some how magically get it into a typical aerosol spray paint can. Are you as in awe as I am? I was amazed. No longer do you have to settle for only one of the three shades of yellow available pre-mixed. You can choose any color under the rainbow and it can be yours while you wait in a wonderful aerosol can available at the paint counter in your local Lowe’s.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Home Depot will jump on the bandwagon soon if they haven’t already and offer this service but you heard it hear first, Lowe’s custom mixed spray paint. Let the DIY-ing begin.

Is it bad that I’m now drawing inspiration from trashy reality television? I’m going to go ahead and say no because I know what the real answer is and I’m sensitive so forget I asked. The hubby and I were enjoying a little Big Brother this evening and their wooden patio/platform caught my eye.

I love the diagonal wooden slats and not to mention the great shade of blue it’s painted. This would be so easy to recreate at any home without much moolah. It keeps it low to the ground so no railing is required and the diagonal wood adds a fun pattern that makes it unique. I’m thinking this might make an appearance in my back yard in the future.

What do you think? Are you experiencing extreme inspiration from any extremely embarassing places these days? Go ahead, admit it. This is a humiliation free zone. Well, at least I have no room to talk if it is embarrasing. I mean, Big Brother?! Beat that.

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